Last night Peter, Ken, Jeremy, Brian, Heather and the Bug Labs gang hosted a meetup in Cambridge. I think about 70+ people show up.
I met a number of folks at the event including Erik Schwartz from Foneshow who I met thru this blog. Erik lived in the bay area for a long time and moved back east about the time I did so we had a nice chat about Bug Labs and life on the east coast vs west coast.
I also met Dan Bricklin last night which was pretty cool. For those of you that might not know, Dan is the creator of VisiCalc. And he's an active blogger. Check out Dan's post about the Bug gathering last night and his podcast with Peter.
Wade from Xconomy was there last night as well and has this great post
Thanks to everyone who came. The enthusiasm for Bug has been really special.
Update: This is really funny. Here is Bug Labs Episode B which is a follow up to their first video on the beginnings of Bug Labs.
(disclosure: Bug Labs is a Spark portfolio company)
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